
2017年ニュース 一覧


明治大学 情報コミュニケーション学部にて「映画産業の発展と経済貢献」に関して講義を行いました June.23.2017

Lecture scenery at the School of Information and Communication, Meiji University
Lecture scenery at the School of Information and Communication, Meiji University

On June 15, 2017, Japan and International Motion Picture Copyright Association (JIMCA) delivered a lecture at the School of Information and Communication, Meiji University. The lecture was given in relation to a course titled “Business and Laws A” organized by Associate Professor Tetsuya Imamura, a committee member of the Copyright Committee of the Agency for Cultural Affairs – the Japanese governmental organization responsible for copyright administration.

The aim of the “Business and Laws A” course is to focus on copyright issues regarding the functions of laws and contracts in film, game, and music businesses and live events such as concerts, theatrical performances. Associate Professor Tetsuya Imamura introduces students to case studies, and aims to make topics easily accessible and relevant for students.

JIMCA’s lecture covered the following themes: “The Activities of MPA-JIMCA”, “Transformation of the Film Industry and Copyright Infringement Measures”, and “The Economic Scale and Structure of the Film Industry”. Approximately 125 third-year and senior undergraduate students from the School of Information and Communication attended the event

The first half of the lecture was given over to an explanation of the U.S. film studio industry, and the functions of the MPA and JIMCA in the Asia Pacific and in Japan. The remainder of the lecture focused on the scale and breakdown of the economic contribution made by the film and television industry to Japan. Reference was made to the “Economic Contribution of the Japanese Film and Television Industry Report”, conducted by Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.), which quantified the size of the industry in 2014. The Report was first announced by the MPA in October 2015 during the Tokyo International Film Festival. The report was produced and launched with the support of many major film and television organizations, including: Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association; Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan, Inc.; Japan Association of Theatre Owners; Foreign Film Importer-Distributors Association of Japan; Japan Cable and Telecommunications Association; The Association of Japanese Animations; Japan Video Software Association; and the Compact Disc & Video Rental Commerce Trade Association of Japan.